
Common Errors

Because of the disconnected-oauth, async nature of the API, there are three opportunities to have a request error: both the request generation and the report collection, as well as token generation. A general best practice is to begin troubleshooting by printing the raw response. In python, this is available as follows:

request_response =, json=data, headers=headers)

print(request_response.text) # this will capture any error messages
print(request_response.json()) # this will parse json-style error messages

Invalid Client

If you're getting the following error message:

  "error": "invalid_client"

Then it's likely that your client_id or client_secret are incorrect. Double-check the values - common mistakes include capturing the single quotes: client_secret = "'abcd1234'" or forgetting a character.

I'm Out of Reports

If you're receiving the following from the Requests endpoint (after getting a token, while trying to generate reports):

    "ClientId": "<your-client-id>",
    "Message": "User requested more reports than they have available"

It's important to note that, in Python, this error message does NOT share any common dictionary keys with the anticipated report, and so downstream code may throw a KeyError. These types of errors can be caught using the error code 429 at request_response.status_code

Reports Are Null

  "Reports": {
      "BasePayReport": null,
      "TotalPayReport": null,
      "HourlyPayReport": null,
      "Bonus": null,

If a report is coming back null, it is likely that the issue is because the underlying data is too varied. This can sometimes happen in National-level reports where there can be significant variance from state to state - for instance, Base Pay for a job like Waiter can vary significantly with the minimum wage in each state. In most cases, increasing the specificity of the request can remedy this - for example, looking for Waiters in a particular state, like California, will return a report. Leverage the Answers outlined in Definitions for more ways to increase the specificity of a report.

  "Reports": {
      "BasePayReport": {
          "CurrencyName": "U.S. Dollar (USD)",
          "CurrencyFormat": "${#}",
          "Count": 45,

Additionally, uncommon combinations of answers can cause a report to fail. Some examples of what might be considered 'uncommon' are listed below:

  • Uncommon combinations of jobs and labor markets (think a Waiter at a Seattle IT company)

  • Uncommon answers to compensable factors (think a CEO with 1 year of experience)

  • Too many unanswered compensable factors

In the above cases, try adding or changing compensable factors to refine your search and lower the variance for your report.